Carmen has been on a transformation since birth
Want to find out some fun stuff about Carmen? Check this out:
What are some of your favorite foods?
I love Mediterranean food and Mexican food!
I love snacking on nuts, yogurt, fruit and juicing.
My favorite desserts are chocolate cake and chocolate chip cookies.
Where do you like to shop?
My style is Classic with a twist of Ecclectic! My favorite places are vintage, boutiques and estate sales.
Who are some of your favorite people?
Miller Thomas.....My husband, best friend and soul mate of course!
Our children and grandchildren
Girl friends who are authentic, knowledgeable, wise, full of integrity and just plain real!
My Spiritual Leaders!
If you were stranded on a deserted island what three things would you need?
Miller, matches and my Bible!
Favorite things to do as a child?
Read Magazines, dance and model, hang out with my grandparents, watch my grandma cook, ride my bike, Sunday School and Girl Scouts.
Who do you want to be like?
My Grandma and the Greatest Servant Leader
What are your favorite books?
I love books and they are all over my home
Instinct by TD Jakes
Inspiring Trust by Steven Covey
The Power of Focus by Jack Canfield
What do you enjoy doing?
Reading, traveling, spending time with my family, meeting different people, researching and studying, workshops, facilitating and teaching information, empowering moments, learning from wise people, solving problems.
What annoys you?
Procrastination, fluff, no commitment or integrity, big talk with no action -
to sum it all up, it would be a lack of integrity!
If you had all the resources in the world, what is something you would solve?
The identity crisis in the world that blinds us from being unified in developing the strong partnerships to end poverty!